Sunday, April 13, 2008


Potter Author Joins Other Authors In Calling For Action In Darfur.

DOI 13 April 2008

BBC (LONDON) - Harry Potter author JK Rowling has joined fellow children's writers in calling for greater protection for children living in war-torn Darfur. An open letter signed by 14 authors, including best-selling US writer Judy Blume and Michael Morpugo, declares: "It is time to change the narrative." Human rights groups estimate that more than a million Sudanese children have been caught up in the bloodshed, displacement and killing in the region.


(Reliability: 8)

It is unlikely that the open letter put out by the authors will have any effect on the peacekeeping operations in Darfur. This is not the first time that a group of celebrities have tried to cause change in policies before and these movements never gain enough momentum to ensure effective change.

(Analytic Confidence: 7)

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